Friday, September 7, 2007

Exam Aftermath.

Alright, so finally exams ended. Yes! Means the beginning of my holiday to-do list. First up, dota. I just downloaded noobpack for Blueserver, Janus said i could use his extra Blue Server account. ALL set !! wait no ! missing the main element. I DO NOT HAVE MY FUCKIN' WARCRAFT . My friend Wei Hao, was suppose to give me the file through the external hard disk. So i passed him the hard disk yesterday, hoping that he could give me the file today. But due to certain technical difficulties, he was unable to do so. AND so, i thought i could move on with my other holiday plan, finish watching prison break season 2. BUT THEN its in the external hard disk and since its with my friend, I'm stuck here blogging. uggh.

So, I'm gonna say a little something about my beloved class pe5.

This is my class. This picture is rather old actually. Taken during Khai Pin's farewell party. Everyone looks so happy here. Although not all of us manage to get along everytime, there maybe some personal grudge between fellow classmates ( He's making too much noise, he did my mom, she stole my cupcake etc etc ) I still think that we all are quite like a big happy family ! In the end we manage to tolerate with each other's behavior, set aside our differences and get along. The point is, I really like this class. Haha :)

oh yeah, thank you fellow pe5'ians for tolerating my vulgarity and weird behaviour !

MONDAY : pe5 outing . be there or be wasted !


michellE said...

hii hanny!
nobody comments anymore..
so i shall do it!hohohoo

Kington said...

Hey Yong Han!

Lol 'he did my mom"!